Sunday, March 3, 2013

Neuromancer Book Cover

File:Neuromancer (Book).jpg Neuromancer is a 1984 novel by William Gibson. The novel tells the story of a washed-up computer hacker hired by a mysterious employer to pull off the ultimate hack. The book cover created by Rick Berry in 1984 was the world's first digitally painted book cover. This book cover was new to people because it was digitally painted. This book cover was probably impressive to people in 1984 because they didn't have all of the computer technology that we do today, so creating this book cover took talented and technology. This book cover probably isn't anything special to people now a days, but back then it was. As soon as I look at this book cover I think of cyberspace and science. It kind of has a Star Wars feel with the yellow lines and the title going into space. I like the image of the purple person. Just seeing this book cover makes me want to open it up to see what it's about. I like the quote at the top of the book cover. The quote gives a little more information on the author than the book cover does and I think that will make people open the book more. I like that he took the pink color from the font and put it in the pink bar behind the picture. I have to create a book cover for this book, the "Neuromancer" using only text. I am doing research on the book cover and the book itself, so I can more accurately design the book cover. It's harder to create a book cover out of text because there is no images that people can look at. If I want to create an image I have to do it out of text.       

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