Sunday, March 17, 2013


 Most people probably don't think of billboards as typography. Billboards are actually one of the hardest things to designed because they have to be designed so people can read and see them while they are driving in a vechile. Most people don't look at billboards when they are walking. Billboards have to be able to catch people's attention quick because they are usually driving by pretty fast. Typography is a big part of billboards because the type has to be big and easy to read. Dunkin' Donuts's billboard is very easy to read and it's eye catching. The type is big and it is a sans serif font, which I think is easy to read when it comes to billboards. I like the coffee and breakfast sandwich picture. When people see food on billboards it usually makes them hungry. The orange gradient is a nice, eye grabbing color. It's good that they used branding. They put their logo on the background and on the coffee cup. I think this is a well-designed billboard. I am designing a book cover out of type. I am looking for examples of typography in the real world. Billboards are one example of using typography.

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