Saturday, March 16, 2013

In Dependence

 Independence is a book by Sarah Manyika. She is an Anglo-Nigerian writer. This book cover is equal mix of graphic and text elements. I really like the maps in the faces. It looks like the faces are made out of words. I think that is really creative. I like how the maps are different. It gives readers more information on the book. It looks like this book is about a boy and a girl from 2 different countries. I like how the faces are separated  in the foreground and are touching noses in the background. "Independence" is actually 2 words and you can tell because the title is in 2 different colors. I like the typography on the book cover. I also like the purple background. I am designing a book cover that has to be made out of text. I am looking for examples of book covers that are made mainly out of type.

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