Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Redesigned book cover_1984

Nineteen Eighty-Four is a novel written by George Orwell. This book cover has been re-designed many times. I don't like this design of the book. It doesn't read right. When I first read it I read it has, "Nine...Teen (thinking about teenagers)... Eighty..Four." It took me awhile to realize that it was a written out date. I have no clue why there is a grid on it. I'm not sure what the purpose of that is. I do like "1984" written on the spine of the book. They mainly used typography for the cover. I'm not sure why the "e," "t," "f," "o," and "u" are in a bold font. I think the designer was trying to create variations within the font, but it didn't work. The words "nine" and teen" are in a serif font and the words "eighty" and "four" are in a sans serif font. I think the title should be either in a all serif font or sans serif font. I also think the author's name is too small. I know the title is supposed to be more important, but they made the author's name too small. I also don't like the design of the back at all. It looks like the have a book synopsis on the back, which I like, but it is way to small. I don't think they used the space effectively on the back. There is a lot of negative space on the back. I don't think the black and white grid works on the back for negative space. This is a poorly designed book cover in my opinion.

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