Sunday, March 3, 2013


Chaos Gleick OReB.jpg This book is also by James Gleick. It's the best-selling book by Gleick that first introduced the principles and early development of chaos theory to the public. As soon as I look at the book cover I think of chaos. Even though it says chaos it also says chaos another way because of the way it's designed. The letters in chaos are slanted and it looks like they are falling. Because they aren't in a straight line it makes people look at the word longer. The background also gives a chaos feeling. The background has swirls and different colors in it. I like that there is a swirl in the opening of the "C." I'm not sure if they did that on purpose or not, but it looks really cool. I like the 2 blurbs on the cover. The white circle that says "Making a New Science" gives readers a little more information and I think that helps the book cover. I know that this book cover isn't completely designed in text, but the title of it is. I have to make a book cover only using text and this book cover gave me some ideas on what I can do with the text. I can make words/letters slanted or going different ways to convey a certain feeling or mood.   

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