The Imperfect Enjoyment is a book by Dewan W. Gibson. The front book cover is mostly made out of type. When I first looked at it I thought it said, "I'm perfect...enjoy...ment. Then I looked at it and realized it said The Imperfect Enjoyment. This is a good use of weight, scale and color variations in text. I like that the put "the" in the "I"in IM. It makes the word the word "the" not as important. It's a little top heavy, but I think that the size and the placement of the text below it balances it out. I like how each line is different. I also like the picture inside the text "Perfect Enjoyment." I didn't noticed it at first, but when I looked at it closer I saw that there is an image of a woman. This is a good example of visual hierarchy. This is something I need to keep in mind when I am designing my book cover for my typography class. I also like how the designer used the space in the spine to put the title and author in it. I also like how the back is designed. I like that they brought in the bathing suit bottom from the front. I also like the quotes on the back cover. I think using 2 different colors on the back cover helps separate the information and it makes it more interesting. I think this is an interesting book cover design. I have to design a book cover made out of only text.
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