Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Baltimore Graffiti

This is a alley that I went down (don't worry I was with other people) in Baltimore right after Artscape. Most people think graffiti is trashy and destruction of public property, but people don't realize that it's a creative art form. Graffiti is usually used inappropriately especially in cities, but I have seen some amazing graffiti. These 2 pictures aren't the best graffiti work I've seen as far as typography goes, but I wanted to use my own picture. I love the painting of the guy angel. Focusing more on typography though... the text in the top picture is mostly in bubble form. The white and red text above the angle seems messy. I do like the black text outlined with yellow. The person probably made up there own font, which is a form of typography. The one thing that is good about graffiti is that people are creative and usually freehand this stuff. People create their own fonts, color, shading, and size. So many people today use a computer for everything and I feel like some people forget how to be creative. The bottom picture shows another part of the alley (this alley was huge and had a lot more graffiti on the other side). It is very colorful and there are many different styles of text. Most of them do have a bubble feel, but not all of them do. I like the pink, purple, yellow type next to the car. I like the colors because they are bright and I think they flow well. I actually didn't think of graffiti as typography until my teacher said something. There are some creative people out there, they just have to be discovered.   

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