Thursday, March 14, 2013

Famous Logos

Most people probably don't think of logos as typography, but they are. Some logos are more based on the graphic while others are more based on the typography, and some have a equal balance.
Google is famous for their logo. Even without the color people can still recognized the logo. The reason why people can recognized the Google logo is because of their typography. Google's logo doesn't even have a graphic is it only based on type (that doesn't count when they have the special google logos for holidays).

 YouTube is also a logo that is heavily based on typography. YouTube does have a graphic, which is the red box. The typography is a san serif font. Most people know what the YouTube logo looks like.

  The most famous logo of them all. McDonalds logo is recognized by people of all ages across the globe. They are famous for their yellow "M" or the golden arches. A basic yellow "M" is iconic logo. That is typography. McDonalds does combine a equal balance of graphic and typography in their logo.
Typography is everywhere, including in logos. I'm creating a book cover based on just text, so I am looking up different forms of typography.

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