Sunday, May 5, 2013

Poorly Designed Menu

This menu is poorly designed. I don't like this menu. Everything is centered. I know it's in a different language, but that doesn't matter because it's still a bad layout. I don't understand why the price is underlined with dots. They should either put the price next to the food items or have dots that goes from the food name to the price. They should make the titles off centered. There isn't a lot of font variation. The titles look like the are almost the same size as the food names. They should make the titles bigger and bolder. The font description on the last page looks different than the other pages. The font looks like it's a regular font instead of bold. I think they should use that font style on the first two pages and that way it will have more consistency. The background could work if the layout was stronger. It seems like the background is more important than the food names. This menu needs some work.


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