Friday, May 3, 2013

BEHR paint can

This is one of the many different paint cans of BEHR. This is the only BEHR paint can that has papyrus font. Papyrus font usually isn't successfully used. My teacher told me to stay away from that font. It is usually used with Egyptian and nature things. The only reason I can think of why they used this font would be to make this paint can stand out from the rest, and they might have thought that this font went well with the premium plus "style" paint. I think they tried to make this paint can have more of a natural feel to it. I'm not sure why they have a thick black stroke under the "o," "a," and "t" in "topcoat." I don't know why those letters are more important than the others. I think if they wanted to keep the black underline they should have extended it across the entire word. It kind of looks like the underline is only half done. I do like the colors of this paint can though.

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