Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Crabby Joe's

The food titles have a white outline and a drop shadow. I don’t have a problem with that, but I know my teacher would. You usually don’t put drop shadows behind text. In this case I don’t think it looks bad. This is a bold menu. I like the pictures on the side with a description at the bottom. Most people like looking at pictures of the food so they can get an idea of what it looks like. I like the use of the blue and yellow boxes. They put new and important information in the boxes so they stand out from the rest of the menu. I also like how the food items are laid out. It’s easy to read. For the most part, I like the design of this menu.   

1 comment:

  1. Drop shadow like this is quite common but it usually gives cheap feeling to design (because it is a cheap trick). Especially if it is too big and dark (luckily not here).

    I think purpose of the drop shadow here is to make white outline visible. Taking drop shadow and white outline off would make design look more fresh.
