Thursday, February 14, 2013

Electronic Music Festival Flyer

I really like this flyer. It is very psychedelic. I love the galaxy background. I think it works well with it being a Electronic Music Festival. I still think this is a awesome flyer even though it's in a different language. I like how the words are angled. I am designing a Electronic Music Festival Flyer and I am thinking about angling my text so it is more interesting. It looks like it has 2 different fonts, but they used variation within the fonts, which is something I need to think about. I like how they laid out their information. I think this flyer works well for what it's promoting.    

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I've been working on an Electronic Music Festival blog, liked your content and wanted to share my own. Excellent content on your site, keep up the awesome job :)
