Friday, February 8, 2013

Electronic Music Festival Flyer

 This is the 4th Annual Brooklyn Electronic Music Festival Flyer. It takes place over a course of 2 days and it's in Williamsburg BK. This flyer is related to what I am doing in class because I have to create a music festival flyer out of typography. I can't have any pictures, but I can have some design like a texture background. For the most part, I like this flyer. It is mainly created using type. I like how the designer put the dates and times on the side of the flyer in big bold type. All of the type is nicely aligned together. Between the date and the bands there is an invisible line that creates a box like shape and I  think that works well. I really like the background in this flyer. The background goes from shades and tints of purple to pink and I think it works well. The background also has some texture in it. I might use a background like this for my flyer. Even though the type (of the bands) is close together it is still readable. The type creates movement even though the type is in a straight line. The type creates movement because some of the bands/singers are in bold and big type and the other bands/dj's are in smaller type. I am guessing that the names that are in bold and big type are the headliners or stars of the show and the other ones are not. They put a lot of information on this flyer and I think they designed it well. They put the address/ where it's going to be at towards the bottom underneath the band names. They also have 3 pink lines that separate the information. It's simple, but it works. The designer put the Brooklyn Electronic Music Festival's logo at the top right next to the name, which I think works well. I noticed that they also put the logo on the top right side, but they integrated into the background. They also put their sponsors at the very bottom in a line. I think this is a well designed flyer for a electronic music festival.

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