Monday, February 25, 2013

Steve Jobs Portrait-Dylan Roscover

This is a potrait of Steve Jobs designed by Dylan Roscover. Dylan has also designed a portrait of President Obama and many other people and products. Dylan went to Full Sail's University for the Digitial Arts & Design Bachelor's Degree Program. He used text from the famous "Here's to the crazy one's" ad campaign in the 90s. He used a variety of Apple-related fonts:  Motter Tektura, Apple Garamond, Myriad, Univers, Gill Sans, and Volkswagen AG Rounded. This is absolutely amazing. I have made people/faces out of type before, but nothing as good as this. One of the reasons he got it to actually look like a face is because he rounded the type where it needed to be like on the cheeks and forehead. Some of the type is more straight like on the lip and the beard. He also made some of the text small and some of the text big. This is an example of visual hierarchy. The first few words I see are "crazy ones" and then when I look more I see the whole phrase "Here's to the crazy ones." I also see the words misfits, troublemakers, human, Steve Paul Jones, and the square holes. I didn't noticed it at first, but they is a low opacity Mac logo in the background. I also like the color scheme of this piece. It's like a blue, gray, and white color scheme. I am currently designing a flyer for my typography class and I have to use 90% type to design my flyer.    

Hidden Truth Poster

  This poster was done by Christina Koehn at the University of Washington, USA. I like how the type in this poster is angled. I am creating a music festival flyer with angled type in my typography class. I like how the words "Hidden Truth" look hidden. It took me a while to figure out what it actually said. I like the concept of trying to hide the words hidden truth, but I don't think it works that well. It looks like she randomly put 3 lines of text in the word hidden truth. I don't understand why there is such a big gap between the H and the I when the size of the text isn't that big. Unless she was trying to show that the words were coming down and on top of the words. The text at the very top next to the 06 is small. She should have made the type bigger since she now as all this dead space at the top. I have no clue what the giant 06 means in the corner. I like the concept of this poster, but I think it still needs some work done to it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

StockHolm Rock-Out Flyer

Stockholm Rock Out Festival This is the 2010 Stockholm Rock-Out Music Festival's flyer. It is a big metal music festival in the summer. I think the music festival is held in Switzerland. I don't really like the design of this flyer. It doesn't scream metal music. All they did was put the logo/type fonts of the bands that are playing in the center of the flyer. We all know that centering a design is too boring and not interesting. I guess if this is the official flyer of the music festival they have to use the same type faces of the bands that are playing. I think they could have been a little more creative in designing this flyer. One thing that would make it more interesting is having it off center. I think they should have made the date bigger because it's hard to read and it's too close to the title. I don't think the background fits the metal music festival. I think they should have a different background. I also think this flyer is too crowded. I know music festival flyers are supposed to have a lot of information on it, but I don't like how they designed this one. I am designing a electronic music festival flyer in my typography class now. I am looking at other music festival flyers to get some ideas of what to do and what not to do.  This is a metal music festival flyer and when I look at the flyer it doesn't say metal music festival to me.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Electronic Music Festival Flyer

I really like this flyer. It is very psychedelic. I love the galaxy background. I think it works well with it being a Electronic Music Festival. I still think this is a awesome flyer even though it's in a different language. I like how the words are angled. I am designing a Electronic Music Festival Flyer and I am thinking about angling my text so it is more interesting. It looks like it has 2 different fonts, but they used variation within the fonts, which is something I need to think about. I like how they laid out their information. I think this flyer works well for what it's promoting.    

Movement Electronic Music Festival Poster/Image

This is the 2010 Movement Electronic Music Festival in Detroit. It is 3 days of electronic music, 4 stages,  and about 100 artists. I really like this poster/image. I love the background. It looks like it is exploding and I think it fits well with the electronic music festival. I really like the blue and green colors. They didn't use more than 3 colors, which is something I have to keep in mind when I'm designing my flyer. I think the type words work well being angled because centered is too boring. This has visual hierarchy because my eye goes to the word MOVEMENT first and then to the rest of the piece. This piece looks like it has 3 different fonts, which is the limit for designing something like this. I am designing a electronic music festival flyer right now (Kinetik) and it has to be designed with type with little design in the background (like no pictures). On my flyer I have to include the band names, the title, dates, address, and websites. I am inspired by this piece, but I have to add a lot more information on my flyer.  

Zaum & Brown Flyer

This is a flyer designed by Zaum & Brown. This is the business name for the freelance designer Richard Brown. Brown is the main point of contact, but the company is actaully formed over 20 professional freelance creatives around the world. They sell "websites, myspace page, and graphic design solutions to struggling musicians, artists, writers, actors, film makers, and charities from all cultural backgrounds across the world" (from their official website). They are located in Norwich, Norfolk in the UK.
This is their promotional flyer that they designed and it's is sized to fit into a CD jewel case. Most flyers are the size of 8.5 x 11 inches or a little bitter larger. There flyer is already different because of the small size. I like that someone designed a flyer the size of a CD case. The good thing about handing this flyer out is that in can fit in people's pockets and purses. The bad thing about a small sized flyer is that it can get lost more than a regular flyer. 
I like the typography design on this flyer. It makes my eyes move around the page.They put a lot of information on this small space and I think it works well. It definitely has a visual hierarchy. My eyes first look at the words CD, MYSPACE, and DESIGN. Then I see the other information in smaller font.  I like their use of angles. I might use angles in my flyer that I am designing for my typography class. I like that they repeated the white type part and put it in the background as a black glossy font. I like their use of repetition. I need to think about using the same font, but using different variation of the front like they did.    

Friday, February 8, 2013

Typography Headphones

 I really like typography, especially when people create images out of words. I have created people, logos, and other things out of just words and they turned out really good. These headphones are made completely out of words by making the words different sizes, boldness, and shapes. I am in a typography class now and my first project is to design a music festival flyer by only using type. I can have a colored or textured background, but no pictures. I am thinking about creating something like this in my flyer. I have sketched a DJ stand, a soundboard, and music waves all out of type. I'm not sure if I will use them for the flyer, but it gives me some ideas. I know these headphones made out of words is simple and probably easy to create in illustrator, but I really like it. I think creating images (people, objects, animals, logos, etc.) out of words is really creative. People can still tell that this is a image of headphones even though it is made completley out of words. I think this piece flows well. I also like how this piece has visual hierarchy. When I first look at it I noticed that it's headphones, then I noticed that it's made out of words, then I noticed the words 'music', 'sound', and 'band', and then finally I noticed the other words and the cord attached to the headphones. I also like this piece because sometimes simple and clean is better. Not everything has to be complex all the time (which I tend to think the graphic design projects always have to be complex).

Electronic Music Festival Flyer

 This is the 4th Annual Brooklyn Electronic Music Festival Flyer. It takes place over a course of 2 days and it's in Williamsburg BK. This flyer is related to what I am doing in class because I have to create a music festival flyer out of typography. I can't have any pictures, but I can have some design like a texture background. For the most part, I like this flyer. It is mainly created using type. I like how the designer put the dates and times on the side of the flyer in big bold type. All of the type is nicely aligned together. Between the date and the bands there is an invisible line that creates a box like shape and I  think that works well. I really like the background in this flyer. The background goes from shades and tints of purple to pink and I think it works well. The background also has some texture in it. I might use a background like this for my flyer. Even though the type (of the bands) is close together it is still readable. The type creates movement even though the type is in a straight line. The type creates movement because some of the bands/singers are in bold and big type and the other bands/dj's are in smaller type. I am guessing that the names that are in bold and big type are the headliners or stars of the show and the other ones are not. They put a lot of information on this flyer and I think they designed it well. They put the address/ where it's going to be at towards the bottom underneath the band names. They also have 3 pink lines that separate the information. It's simple, but it works. The designer put the Brooklyn Electronic Music Festival's logo at the top right next to the name, which I think works well. I noticed that they also put the logo on the top right side, but they integrated into the background. They also put their sponsors at the very bottom in a line. I think this is a well designed flyer for a electronic music festival.