Sunday, April 28, 2013

Golf Menu

 I like this menu. It reminds me of the Greene Turtle menu/atmosphere. I like where the pictures are placed. This restaurant looks like it is a golf restaurant or has a big focus on golf because of the pictures and titles. I think the titles are clever-tee it up, sand-wedges, back nine, and the turn. I like the picture of the tee under the title because it looks like it is underlining it, but I don't like how big it is. The shadow is interfering with the first item and that might be distracting to people who are trying to read. I like how each of the subtitles are in different fonts. The menu definitely has font variation. I like how the entrees are bold and the descriptions are in a regular font. The one thing I don't see on this menu is prices. I don't know if the prices are hidden and they are too small for me to see them, but I don't think there are any prices on this menu. I hate menu without prices. I think every menu should have a price unless it's a special type of restaurant (like when you go on a cruise and they give you a menu with just the entrées and description because the food was included when you paid for your trip). Sometimes people will pick one entrée over another because of the price (usually if the one entrée is a lower price than the other one). Overall, I like the design of this menu there are just a few changes that I would make.

Salute Kosher Restaurant Menu

Salute Kosher Restaurant Menu, 63-42 108th Street, Forest Hills, Queens
This is a very plain menu. I took me a while to figure out what the picture was next to the title. The picture is of 3 skewers. I don't think the picture reads right and I don't like where it's positioned at. This menu has very little design elements. Designers try to stay away from underlining words in their design. This menu has a lot of underlining in it. This menu has the title underline, which I don't think is bad. But they also have the words "We Deliver" underline too, which I don't think looks good. They also underlined all of the subhead titles. There isn't any visual hierarchy on this menu. All of the type is pretty much the same. I think they could have made the address and number in a regular font and then have "we deliver" in a bold font with quotes. That will add some interest.  The entrée names and the price is the same font and size. It also looks like the entrées and prices are in italics, unless that's just how it looks on the screen. This menu needs more variation in the font. The design is boring.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Nestle water bottle label

This is a Nestle water bottle. I don't think it's that interesting of a design. I do like the yellow ribbons going behind the label and I like the family at the bottom. This seems like it's adverting a family friendly environment. I like the starburst design in the background- it gives the design movement. I like how the text follows the curve of the blue curved rectangle. It's not a terrible design, but it's not the greatest water bottle label design either.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

FIJI Water

Personal (500mL) This is a FIJI water bottle. I don't think it's as popular as other water bottle brands. I think their water bottle label is different from most water bottle labels. It has more of a tropical feel to it. I like that they used a hibiscus flower instead of the typical mountains or rivers. Their logo is mainly made out of typography. The used all capital letters and outlined the letters in yellow. They have type written in cursive above the name and type below the name in a sans-serif font. It looks they used the max of 3 fonts in a design. Cursive usually doesn't work it small designs, but I think it works in this design because the type in cursive isn't the most important information. Outlines and the color yellow don't always work and can be hard to use it a design, but I think it works in this design because it is supposed to be a tropical design.  "FIJI Water is drawn from an artesian aquifer that lies hundreds of feet below the edges of a primitive rainforest.
That distance and isolation is part of what makes FIJI Water so much purer and richer in taste than other bottled waters." I like that FIJI design represents where the water comes from. The water bottle label looks like it is represent the rainforest. They design makes me want to go there. I like the curved blue and green lines it the background. It reminds me of water and palm trees. I think this label has a relaxing and calming feel to it. I think this is a well-designed water bottle label.

Friday, April 12, 2013


 PlantbottleThis is Dasani's water bottle label. Dasani is fairly well-known. I think most people know what their water bottles look like. Their logo is based on typography rather than illustrations. I like what they did with the "S" in their name. It looks like they created their own font. I like the curved line going in the middle of the "A." I like that the "S" is different from the rest of the letters. It kind of looks like water dripping down. I like that it is curved rather than blocky. I also think the colors work well. The letters are white with a dark blue outline and a light blue streak inside the letters. I think the textured background also works well. I like how the background goes from a light blue to a darker blue. I also like that they put their own recycle sign and that it's redesigned plastic in green on the front. I think that's important to know. I like when water bottles or any type of products goes eco-friendly. I have to design a water bottle label made out of only type. I think this is a good example of typography.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Poland Spring Water

 This is a Poland Spring water bottle. It relies more on the illustrations than the typography, which is fine. I have to design a water bottle label using mainly typography though. I like the illustration on this water bottle. I like the rushing water going into the distance. I think their logo, which is mainly type is fairly well-known. It's a little hard to read the "P" in Poland. It almost looks like an "O." I would change the "P" in Poland to look more like a "P" than an "O." I also think the yellow curved banner adds a nice touch to the logo. It kind of looks like it's smiling. I think it's a good idea to put when the company was established. I see that on a lot of water bottles. In this case this company was established in 1845 and they put that right underneath the "S" in Spring.

Aquafina Water Bottle

My next project for typography is that I have to create a label for a water bottom. The label is only 8x2 in, so it's small.
Aquafina water bottles are pretty common. They are known for their blue mountains and red sun. When people see this water bottle they will know the brand. I think this label has an equal balance of typography and illustrations. I think it might be slightly more heavy on the illustrations. I like their logo and typography. I like how the tail extends off of the "Q" and goes into the red line. They stuck with a blue and red color scheme. I also like how they put on the back that the bottle uses 50% less plastic. I like this water bottle label design.